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1、Are you about to ____ or something?

你这是要去 ____ 之类的吗?

2、You know what I'm saying?

你懂我意思吗? 读快了就会变成 Yall I'm saying

3、I don't get it = I don't understand (我不理解)

e.g. I don't get why my girlfriend's parents are hella mean to me.

e.g. Did you understand what teacher just taught us? No I don't get it.

同理你可以说 you get it, He gets it , She gets it.

4、That's messed up (太离谱了)

5、What up?/What's up (哈喽)

回复:Yean what's up / what's good / how's it going?

6、Don't hesitate to _

e.g. You know I really need to make some money so I don't hesitate to go to work.

7、I'ma gonna have to let you go?/I got to go.(我得先走了,好吗)

8、I get that a lot. (很多人那么多)

e.g. I bet he gets that a lot.

9、You know the drill. (你懂的)

10、I can tell(我能看出来)/ I can't tell / You can tell / you can't tell

e.g. You are so jacked, I can't tell.

e.g. He's so good at lying you can't tell if he's being serious or not.

11、left for (为了 离开

e.g. She left me for a black dude.

12、When it comes to __ (在 __ 这方面)

e.g. When it comes to food what's your favorite type of cuisine.

e.g. We should be always be careful when it comes to investing.

e.g. I think I am pretty better than you when it comes to studying.

In terms of _ (在 方面)

13、Have a good one(祝你好运)

14、got on _ (比 多了

e.g. You almost got 10 years on me.

15、_ though (但 )

e.g. He's not rude though.

16、You don't look a day over ____

你看起来最多 ___ 多一天都不行

17、the _ th __ in the world(可替换)

方面,我是世界第 _

e.g Yao Ming is the second best player in the rockets team.

18、It took you ____

只花了你____ (多长时间)

19、everyone be saying that


20、a combination of and _

你看着像 _(某人) 和 __(某人) 的结合体

21、say it on your mom's life


22、Check this out/Check it out (看一看)

23、I have it right here (就在这里)

24、Everything you ever want it(你想要的所有事情)

25、I don't see __ (我不理解为什么 __

e.g. I don't see why you're bored when you could be out there partying.

26、What you do for fun(你有什么爱好)

27、How do you get into that(你是怎么喜欢上 xxx 的)

28、I was like (我当时的反应是)/ They were like / He was like / She was like

e.g. Then I went to home, I told my parent about it and then were like wow you were so dumb.

29、Get to _ (能够去

e.g. I get to go outside because we're not in quarantine anymore.

30、___ free (没有什么 ...)

e.g. covid free , smoke free

31、_ for a living (做 为生)

e.g. cook for a living

32、get that a lot (经常有人那么说)

33、I've taken it (我学过他)

34、really good at ___ (非常擅长)

35、How am I suppose to when(if) _.


e.g. How am I suppose to save the money when I don't have the job.

36、 tired of (厌烦了做 ___ )

e.g. I'm tired of going to work every day.

37、You need to be to be able to _

你得满了 岁,才能做 _

e.g. You need to be 18 years to be able to drink alcohol.

38、___ the suit out of me/ you

___ 把我的 suit 弄出来了

e.g. You just scare the suit of me.

39、got it going on (a pretty.female with a nice shape)

e.g. You got it going on.

40、into something (喜欢什么东西)

e.g. You definitely into hippie culture.

41、What is your occupation man./What you do for work. (你的工作是什么?)

42、all led back to something(都指向了什么)

可以用于分析原因的时候,原因都指向了 xxx

43、What's the point of if you

的意义是什么 如果你都

e.g. What's the point of studying English if you can't speak English.

e.g. What's the point of going to school if I just want to be a gamer.

44、The fact that __

e.g. ___ 这件事情

45、Nothing to do with __

跟 __ 没有半毛钱关系

46、want __ so badly

超级想要 __

47、what's up with ___ ?

e.g. She's been acting weird all day, what is up with her ?

e.g. What' up with all these americans getting into debts and shit ?

48、Keep doing something (有做这件事的习惯)

e.g. Keep boring money.

49、Keep on doing something (不停的做什么事情)

50、 Once in a while / occasionally

e.g. You know my diet is pretty healthy but once in a while I'll eat an ice cream or a hamburger.

e.g. So occasionally there will be like a few cases.

51、 Do something for the rest of my life.

e.g. She can't do modeling for the rest of my life.

e.g. You can't do a youtuber by the rest of your life.

52、I hate to ask but __ (很不好意思,但是我必须要打断)

53、not to the point where (还没到 程度)

54、___ in the first place (从一开始)

55、How does one decided to by


56、hold a candle to (与 相提并论)

57、I'd rather than (我宁愿 也不想 )

e.g I'd rather be optimistic and wrong than pessimistic and right.

58、Are you ready for me to do something?

e.g. Are you ready for me to show your new friends ?

59、I have to resist the urge to ( 我必须克制住 的冲动 )

e.g. I have to resist the urge to smoke a cigarette right now.

60、I've been for (我做 已经 了)

e.g .I've been showing here for like two hours.

61、I've be meaning to (我一直想)

e.g. I've be meaning to work out.


1、 Vide, = Vibration(震动/频率)

e.g. good vibe/good vibes bad vibe/ bad vibes, 当加上 s 的时候表示所有的一切都很好。

e.g You definitely feel the Chinese New Year vibe.

2、 Statistic(统计)/ Statistically(统计上的)

e.g. so statistically high

3、Hood.(贫民窟)= Neighborhood (街区)

4、Pull over(逮停)

e.g. My buddy just pulled somebody over.

5、strapped up (Keeping a weapon on yourself for self-defence)

6、nerd(书呆子)/ nerdy(书呆子的感觉)

7、Jacked (很壮)


I'm just a young baller.

9、Work out(健身)/ lift(撸铁)



e.g. I'm loaded / He is loaded.

12、Messed up(搞砸了)

e.g. Year, you got me messed up.

e.g. That's messed up.

13、Clutch(完美解决问题,Perfect,Exactly what is needed)

14、Flex(秀/炫耀)/ flexing(炫耀)

e.g. He likes to flex.


16、Typical(常见)/ atypical(不常见)

17、literally (强调用词,真正意义上的)

e.g. That's literally dope.

18、Take it personally(认为是针对某人的)

e.g. I took that personally.

19、Y'all = you all(你们)


e.g. low on the tier


e.g. He's so smooth when it comes to talking to girls.


e.g. What's you ethnicity.


24、conservation (保守的)

25、into something(喜欢)

e.g. She into thay white boy.

26、right away(马上开始)

e.g. Hey when are you gonna start working on your homework ? Sorry mom I'll start right away.

27、for real(真的吗?)

28、straight up(直接,属实,当然)

e.g. I just straight up get rejected.

29、lowkey (低调,轻轻说一下)

30、bring up(提起/提及)

31、spoil(变坏) Spoiler(剧透)

32、Reps.=repetition (重复)

e.g. How many reps of crow do I need to do.

33、 No way(不会吧)

34、Draft(起草) Drafted(选中)

35、rip-off (盗版)


e.g. that sucks.


e.g. You freckles are so ugly.

38、make up(妆,化妆)

e.g. I really like your make up.


e.g. He got expelled from his school.


41、Hang out(一起玩)

e.g. If you're not do anything tonight , do you wanna hang out?

42、I see(我懂了)

43、Get a ride(搭个车)

44、Freshman(高一/大一)Sophomore(高二/大二)Junior(高三/大三) Senior(高四/大四)

45、Age well(不显老)


47、Kill it(做的很好)

e.g. You will funcking kill it.

48、content creator(视频博主)


e.g. Look how crispy my carmer is.



52、Whole lotta = a lot of (很多)


54、Look up(去搜索/查阅)(抬头看)(生意有所好转)(看完)

e.g. I look up something on google.

e.g. My friend Jack always goes to the prison to look up his father.

55、Introvert(内向的人) introverted(内向) Extrovert(外向的人) extroverted(外向)

56、Missing out (错过了快乐)

57、 Long term (长久的) Short term (短暂)

58、Last forever (永远长存)

59、Hook up(勾搭)

60、commit(负责)(犯)(commit suicide 自杀)

61、legit(正儿八经的 / 合法的)

e.g. You know my bro legit.

62、mess you up (教训你一顿)

63、we'll see (到时候看看)


65、elementary school(小学)


67、valid excuse(正当的理由)



e.g. This is a quarantine area, you shouldn't be coming here.

70、Grooming (打理/修饰)

71、Chinese New Year = Lunar New Year(春节 / 中国新年)

72、For sure (肯定)

e.g. I got you for sure.

73、asian americans (亚裔美国人)

74、Coming up(快到了)


76、Big fashion guy (很注重时尚)


e.g. He looks kind artsy you know.


80、Livestream(直播) streamer(主播)streaming(在直播)stream(直播)


e.g. He's a pretty chill guy.

e.g. Nothing I just chilling.

e.g. But your life is so much more chill.

82、Yell at(对着某人大吼大叫)

e.g. I don't like my boss because he yell at me all the time.


84、Feeling down(情绪低落)

85、Take out a loan(拿贷款)



e.g. It' not a period.

e.g. It's really a hard period for me.

88、Gone through (经历过)

e.g. You don't know nothing. You haven't gone through the difficult times.

89、reach out (沟通)

e.g. If you wanna you be my friend, You could always reach out to me.

e.g. If you need help, you can always reach out to me.


91、piece of advice(more import advice)

92、Drop out(辍学)

93、Comfort zone(舒适圈)

94、degrade overtime(随着时间变质)

95、on a primal level(到骨子里去了)

e.g. It gets sad on a primal level.

96、good for you(对你好的)/ bad for you(对你不好的)

97、stick it out(坚持)

e.g. I know it suck but we need stick it out.

98、 __ fold

___ 倍

99、get to us / get to me(影响到)

e.g. Don't let it get to you.

100、really wholeheartlly (真心希望)

e.g. I really wholeheartlly hope your Twich carreer goes well.

101、Good times(快乐的时光)

102、I'm down(我可以、我感兴趣)

103、Import (进口) Export(出口)

e.g. export business

104、What industry ?

e.g. So what industry do you working ?


e.g. Do you have a college degree or you have a doctor degree.

106、As mush as I can(尽我最大努力的)

e.g. I'm going to try to keep my expenses down as mush as I can.

107、save up(存钱)

e.g. They don't like saving up.

108、Bail out(金钱上帮助困难中的人)

e.g. As long as you have money inside, you can always should bail out your friends when they are in need.

109、max out(拉满)

e.g. Can you please max out the AC?

e.g. We should not max out the credit card.


e.g. I was homeschool for two years when I was a kid.


e.g. American people are pretty lenient when it comes to education.


e.g. You know being life is luxury.


114、Here's the thing though(情况是这样的)


e.g. Every country has its good sides and its flaws.

e.g. I see the flaws behind them.

116、caught up (了解最新情况)

e.g. I'm caught up of the lastest tv show.

e.g. I'm pretty caught of with your life.

117、 Model(模特)Modeling(做模特)

118、Trick (复杂难办)

e.g. It's really trick because of the convid.

e.g. Since the convid happend, it's like very tricky for people to travel international.




e.g. Shanghai is a little more westernlized.

122、take off(起飞)

e.g. He's career took off.


124、Fan base(粉丝群体)

e.g. You have a good fan base.

125、Stay in touch(保持联系)

e.g. We can stay in touch.

126、Religion(宗教)/ Religious(宗教方面的)

e.g. It's a cultural thing not religious thing.

128、Occasion(场合,场地) situation(情况)

e.g. Under what occasion do you show people your face.


130、Cultural shock(文化冲击)


e.g. You can speak pretty proper English already.


e.g. Can you adjust the temperate?

133、shoot my shot(放下顾虑去追某人)

e.g. You konw me I'm always shooting my shot.

134、Middle eastern(中东人)

135、In shape(身材好)

e.g. Hey gril, you look like pretty in shape.

136、stand out(突出/显眼)

e.g. You stand out from other twitch streamer.

137、Racism(种族主义) racist(种族主义者)

138、call out(指出错误/嘲笑)

e.g. I was walking down the street the other day and this white dude called me out and called me a racial slur.

139、Here and there(时不时的)

e.g. I will meet racism here and there.

140、Tired of it(厌倦了它)

e.g. I am so tired of your.


e.g. I bet everybody says that as an opener.

142、Crack joke(开玩笑)

e.g. You know my friend richard he likes to crack jokes all the time.

143、Bet = for sure(没问题)

144、For now(暂时的)

145、gig(job, usually in the entertainment industry)

146、down payment(首付)

147、make bank(赚大钱)

e.g. You don't need to be making bank to be happy you know.


149、time consuming(很花时间的)



152、off the cuff(一拍脑门)

e.g. It it difficult for me to answer those points off the cuff.

153、Limited edition(限量款)


155、big deal(大事)

156、so far so good (目前来说)

157、implement (落实)

158、Phenomenon (现象)

e.g. Earthquakes are essentially a surface phenomenon.

159、That is ?(这就没了?)

160 come up something (想出 ...)


162、Obsessed with (痴迷于

163、In teams of(在 __ 方面)

164、due to (由于)

165、Drive me crazy (把人弄疯)

166、pump the break(踩下刹车)

167、primal drive(原始驱动)

e.g. We mention all those things the sort of primal drives.


e.g. That's why the Instagram is more enticing than Twitter.

169、do not see something coming

e.g. I didn't see Twitter coming.



172、Take over(管制)

e.g. Robots gonna take over the world.

173、out of control(失控)


175、Augment (强化)

176、Drop the gun(逃避)

e.g. I don't want to drop the gun.


e.g. We can decide if we wanna retain our biological self or not.

178、Down the rabbit hole(进入未知领域)


180、Wrap your head around(理解 ___ )

e.g. It's so hard to warp your head around it.

181、Documentary (纪录片)

182、Philosophy (哲学)

183、PG section(儿童区,电影分区)



186、hearts racing (心跳加速)

187、 Freak out(慌张)

e.g. I'm feaking out.

188、Take your time(你不用不着急)

189、too busy and stuff

e.g. You know I pretty like ShangHai but I just feel like Shanghai is too busy and stuff.


191、Fill me up(把我填饱)

192、You're capping(你在开玩笑) No cap(不开玩笑)

193、Natural habitat(自然生活环境)

194、What's you go to ? (你的第一选择是什么)

e.g. What's you go to club in the city?

195、social media influencer(网红)

e.g. Everybody young in China wants to be the social media influencer.

196、Pick the brain(理解别人的想法)

e.g. Let me pick the brain.

197、Pull up = Pull through (过来)

198、Put someone on the spot(把某人放进一个很难回答问题的位置)

e.g. You put me on the spot.

199、You get the cool vibes(你整个人都有很酷的感觉)

200、Done up(好好打扮)

e.g. Ususaly I will done up.


e.g. Give me you DM(私信)


e.g. He seems really genuine.